Saturday, March 27, 2010

Late March 2010 update, my new eHow blog and StumbleUpon

March earnings haven't been great so far. I've just broken February's total, with over $17.00, but there are still a few days left to go in March, so let's see how it works out. Here's a screenshot of my 2010 earnings to date:

Also, I started a new blog where I'm listing all my eHow articles. Check it out, it's called my eHow articles blog.

Lastly, I've started using StumbleUpon to promote my articles. Several people have commented that it's a great way to get article exposure, but the problem is that you can only submit a few articles at a time from a given site, to prevent spamming. I'm submitting non-eHow articles to StumbleUpon as well, let's see if that allows me to submit more of my eHow articles to them (currently, I'm maxed out on the number of eHow articles I can submit to StumbleUpon. Maybe this DVD would help: Get Floods of Traffic To Your Website Using Stumbleupon!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I am now subscribed to your stumbleupon favorites. Remember if you subscribe, check the box underneath the subscribe button so that others can share with you. Great blog.
